To contact the President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the ASN, please email
Years of Office |
Executive Committee, 2025 |
2025 |
Daniel I. Bolnick, President
University of Connecticut |
2025 |
Amy Angert, Vice President
University of British Columbia |
2025–2027 |
Katie Lotterhos, Secretary
Northeastern University |
2023–2025 |
Santiago Ramírez, Treasurer
UC Davis |
2026 |
Rebecca Fuller, President Elect
University of Illinois |
2026 |
Renée Duckworth, Vice President Elect
University of Arizona |
2024 |
Jeff Conner, Past President
Michigan State University |
2024 |
Lauren Buckley, Past Vice President
University of Washington |
2023 |
Maria Servedio, Past President
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
2022 |
Judith Bronstein, Past President
University of Arizona |
2020–2022 |
Rebecca Fuller, Past Treasurer
University of Illinois |
2022–2024 |
Joel McGlothlin, Past Secretary
Virginia Tech |
2025 |
Lily Khadempour, Diversity Committee Chair
Rutgers University, Newark |
2025 |
Christopher Moore, Diversity Committee Vice Chair
Colby College |
2025 |
Dylan Padilla, Graduate Student Representative
Arizona State University |
2023–2026 |
Volker H. W. Rudolf, Editor-in-Chief, The American Naturalist (ex officio)
Rice University |
The Offices of the ASN
The PRESIDENT leads the ASN Executive Committee and selects the membership of the award and officer nomination committees. The President selects the President’s Award for the “best” paper in The American Naturalist in the past year, gives the ASN Presidential Address and presents the Society’s awards at the annual meeting, and represents the ASN in multiple other ways through the year. The President serves on the Executive Committee for five years, including one year as President-Elect and three years as a Past-President.
The VICE-PRESIDENT organizes the Vice-President’s Symposium for the annual meeting and edits the special supplement to The American Naturalist that contains the papers derived from the VP Symposium. The Vice-President is also the Society’s liaison for the organizers of the annual meeting. The Vice-President serves as a voting member of the Executive Committee for three years.
The SECRETARY records and publishes the minutes of the annual meeting of the Executive Committee and ensures that elections for Society offices are conducted in a timely manner. In addition, the Secretary works closely with the President with respect to the normal running of the Society, documents the Executive Committee’s actions, sees that the ASN Officer’s handbook and website are up to date, and coordinates communication between the Executive Committee, other societies’ Executive Committees, the University of Chicago Press and ASN membership. The Secretary serves for a three-year term, and then three years as Past Secretary. For both terms, the Secretary is a member of the ASN Executive Committee.
The TREASURER manages the accounts of the ASN, tracks all revenues and expenses, arranges for official annual financial reviews and tax return preparation, files tax returns, makes payments for all annual awards and travel reimbursements related to the annual meeting, keeps track of revisions to the award amounts and reimbursement policies, and prepares the annual Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer also convenes a Finance Committee comprised of two other members of the Executive Committee, for making investment decisions as needed. The Treasurer serves on the Executive Committee for six years, three as a regular member and three as Past Treasurer.
The GRADUATE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE to the American Society of Naturalists is selected by the ASN executive committee (EC), and serves a two year term. The Graduate Student Representative has three primary tasks: 1) To attend executive committee meetings as a nonvoting member and to represent opinions and needs of current and potential graduate student members of the society; 2) To organize graduate student outreach activities at the annual meeting of the American Society of Naturalists; and 3) To consult with graduate students at the meeting and elsewhere to gather ideas as to how ASN can best serve its members.