The American Society of Naturalists confers several awards each year to honor scientists of great distinction. The membership of the awards committees can be found here.
- ASN Honorary Lifetime Membership
- ASN Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Conceptual Unification of the Biological Sciences
- ASN Distinguished Naturalist Award
- ASN Presidential Award
- ASN Early Career Investigator Award
- American Naturalist Student Paper Award
- ASN Student Research Award
- ASN Presidential Award for Outstanding Service to the Community
- Joint Society ‘Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, and Access’ (IDEA) Award
- ASN Outstanding Student Poster Award
- ASN Outstanding Postdoctoral Presentation Award
- ASN Outstanding Student Presentation Award
ASN Honorary Lifetime Membership
Honorary lifetime membership in the American Society of Naturalists is intended to recognize scientists whose research careers epitomize the mission of the society, which is the conceptual unification of the biological sciences. The society limits the number of honorary lifetime memberships to twelve.
Links in the table below lead to the Honorary Lifetime Membership Award announcement for that honoree.
- Joseph Felsenstein
- B. Rosemary Grant
- Douglas Futuyma
- Peter R. Grant
- Daniel Janzen
- Ellen Ketterson
- Joel Kingsolver
- Jane Lubchenco
- Robert E. Ricklefs
- Johanna Schmitt
- Mary Willson
Past honorary lifetime members have included:
- Charles E. Allen
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
- William Bateson
- Albert F. Blakeslee
- Hampton L. Carson
- Joseph Connell
- James D. Dana
- Bradley Moore Davis
- Margaret Davis
- Hugo De Vries
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
- Henry Herbert Donaldson
- Benjamin Minge Duggar
- Leslie C. Dunn
- Simon H. Gage
- Richard Benedict Goldschmidt
- Asa Gray
- William D. Hamilton
- Ross Granville Harrison
- Samuel Henshaw
- Samuel Jackson Holmes
- G. Evelyn Hutchinson
- Wilhelm L. Johannsen
- Joseph Leidy
- Joseph P. Lesley
- Richard Lewontin
- Othniel Charles Marsh
- John Maynard Smith
- Ernst Mayr
- Barbara McClintock
- James Playfair McMurrich
- Clinton Hart Merriam
- John Alexander Moore
- Thomas Hunt Morgan
- Henry Fairfield Osborn
- George Howard Parker
- Robert Paine
- Ruth Patrick
- John Thomas Patterson
- Linus C. Pauling
- Fernandus Payne
- Wilhelm Roux
- Elizabeth B. Russell
- Karl Sax
- William Berryman Scott
- George Harrison Shull
- Aaron Franklin Shull
- Robert Sokal
- George Gaylord Simpson
- G. Ledyard Stebbins
- Cornelius Bernardus N. van Niel
- George C. Williams
- Edmund B. Wilson
- E. O. Wilson
- Sewall Wright
- Robert M. Yerkes