Read about “Disentangling the Factors Selecting for Unicellular Programmed Cell Death” by J. David Van Dyken and Peter C. Zee (Nov 2024)
Read about “Resource Flow Network Structure Drives Metaecosystem Function” by Tianna Peller, Isabelle Gounand, and Florian Altermatt (Dec 2024)
Nonliving resources frequently flow across ecosystem boundaries, yielding networks of spatially coupled ecosystems. Peller et al. show ecosystem function at landscape scales can depend on the spatial structure of resource flow networks connecting ecosystems and organism feeding traits.
Read about “Multivariate Divergence in Wild Microbes: No Evidence for Evolution along a Genetic Line of Least Resistance” by Emile Gluck-Thaler, Muhammad Arsam Shaikh, and Corlett W. Wood (Jan 2025)
Read about “The Evolution of Using Shed Snake Skin in Bird Nests” by Vanya G. Rohwer, Jennifer L. Houtz, Maren N. Vitousek, Robyn L. Bailey, and Eliot T. Miller (Feb 2025)
Why do some birds incorporate shed snake skin in their nest? Rohwer et al. suggest that the evolution of this unique, but wide spread behavior is dependent upon nest morphology and most commonly observed in cavity nesting species...
Read about “Soilscapes of Mortality Risk Suggest a Goldilocks Effect for Overwintering Ectotherms” by Sarah A. Waybright and Michael E. Dillon (Jan 2025)
Read about “Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics for Finite Populations and the Noise-Induced Reversal of Selection” by Ananda Shikhara Bhat and Vishwesha Guttal (Jan 2025)
Read about “Sex Allocation in a Monogamous Bird: Advantaged Matrilines and Sons with Silver Spoons” by Ashley Atkins Coleman, Kelly D. Miller, Kelly L. O’Neil, Rin Pell, Shelby R. Green, and E. Keith Bowers (Jan 2025)
Read about “Sporadic Events Have a Greater Influence on the Dynamics of Small, Isolated Populations Than Density Dependence and Environmental Conditions” by Roxanne Turgeon, Fanie Pelletier, Steeve D. Côté, Marco Festa-Bianchet, and Sandra Hamel (Dec 2024)
Read about “The Dominance of Coinfecting Parasites’ Indirect Genetic Effects on Host Traits” by Daniel I. Bolnick, Sophia Arruda, Christian Polania, Lauren Simonse, Arshad Padhiar, Maria L. Rodgers, and Andrea J. Roth-Monzón (Nov 2024)
Read about “Metabolic Trade-Offs Can Reverse the Resource-Diversity Relationship” by Zachary R. Miller and James P. O’Dwyer (Nov 2024)