American Society of Naturalists

A membership society whose goal is to advance and to diffuse knowledge of organic evolution and other broad biological principles so as to enhance the conceptual unification of the biological sciences.

Forthcoming Papers

Parasite party: how inbreeding begets a complex life cycle

Parasite party: how inbreeding begets a complex life cycle

Posted on by Faye Romero, edited by Genrietta Yagudayeva

Read about “Testing the Mating System Model of Parasite Complex Life Cycle Evolution Reveals Demographically Driven Mixed Mating” by Jenna M. Hulke and Charles D. Criscione (December 2024)

“Seasonality in Environment and Population Processes Alters Population Spatial Synchrony”

“Seasonality in Environment and Population Processes Alters Population Spatial Synchrony”

Posted on by Jeremy Summers

Read about “Seasonality in Environment and Population Processes Alters Population Spatial Synchrony” by Jonathan A. Walter, Daniel C. Reuman, Kimberly R. Hall, Herman H. Shugart, and Lauren G. Shoemaker (October 2023)

Spatial synchrony is a key feature of pest and disease outbreaks and major source of instability, but little is known about how seasonality affects it. Walter et al. show using theoretical models how seasonality in population processes and environmental drivers alters synchrony.