American Society of Naturalists

A membership society whose goal is to advance and to diffuse knowledge of organic evolution and other broad biological principles so as to enhance the conceptual unification of the biological sciences.


Letter on Evolution 2018

Letter on Evolution 2018

Posted on

Letter from the Presidents of the Joint Societies on attendance at Evolution 2018

Frequently Asked Questions about the ASN Meetings

Frequently Asked Questions about the ASN Meetings

Posted on by Kathleen Donohue, President

An FAQ on the choices for the ASN Stand-Alone Meetings and the Joint Society Evolution Meetings--a response to the ASN Business Meeting (open to all members)

Am Nat at 150

Am Nat at 150

Posted on

The first American Naturalist appeared in March 1867. In a countdown to the 150th anniversary, the editors have solicited short commentaries on articles from the past issues that deserve a second look. 

See them all here.